Flask Cheat Sheet

I just published my first open source Python package: kickstart-flask-app on PIP, and it made me happy. I worked with the micro framework Flask for almost a year and a half, and when I moved on to Django, I was happy and amazed with how you could easily create a project or an app, whilst I was mostly just copy-pasting from a project to a new one when just starting a new Flask project. Routing @app.route('/') def index: return 'Bad request', 400 from flask import rendertemplate @app.route('/assets') def assets: return rendertemplate. By using a framework we can reuse modules and features already coded and tested by other developers. Reinventing the wheel for classic modules is time-consuming and for these cases, a framework comes to the rescue. To read more about Flask, please access below links: Flask - the official website; Flask Cheat Sheet - Blog article. Flask f0c3 flushed f579 folder f07b folder-minus f65d folder-open f07c folder-plus f65e font f031 football-ball f44e forward f04e frog f52e frown f119 frown-open f57a funnel-dollar f662 futbol f1e3 gamepad f11b gas-pump f52f gavel f0e3 gem f3a5 genderless f22d ghost f6e2 gift f06b gifts f79c glass-cheers f79f glass-martini.

Flask Cheat Sheet Printable

Flask is a micro framework for python webapp. It’s really useful for creating prototypes and small application focusing on the logic.

Flask Cheat Sheet

Flask Cheat Sheet Pdf

Here’s a cheatsheet!

# Import Flask
# and md5 algorithm
from flask import Flask
from flask import request, abort
from hashlib import md5

# Create a new application
app = Flask(__name__)


Flask Tutorial Pdf

# Bind methods and functions
def index():
return ‘Index Page’

@app.route(‘/hello’, methods = [‘GET’, ‘POST’])
def hello():
“””Greets the user.”””
# Those are get parameters
user, client = map(request.args.get, [‘user’, ‘client’])
return ‘Hello %s!’ % user

Flask Cheat Sheet 5e


# do this BEFORE each request
def authorizer():
“””Authenticate user and password passed via GET or POST.
In this sample the password is the md5(user).
Use the abort function to raise an http error!
params = [‘user’, ‘client’,’passwd’,’algorithm’]
user, client, passwd, algorithm = map(request.values.get, params)
if passwd != md5(user).hexdigest():

def unauthorized(e):
“””Use error handlers to present error pages.”””
return “Unauthorized user”, 404

# Run the app
if __name__ ‘__main__’:
app.debug = True
app.run(host=’′, port=9000)